May 1992
The AIDS Residence Coalition of Morris County was incorporated as a private nonprofit organization to create a safe haven for people in need of housing and supportive services due to their HIV status.
AIDS is the leading cause of death for all Americans between the ages of 25 -44.
Oct 19, 1994
The Eric Johnson House opens its doors and the first 3 residents move in.
Mar 1995
The AIDS Residence Coalition of Morris County received its first Ryan White grant to provide supportive services to PLWHA.
Protease Inhibitors were introduced by the FDA to be used in combination with other HIV medication; the first “HIV Cocktails” were prescribed.
The organization changed its name from AIDS Residence Coalition of Morris County to The Eric Johnson House, Inc.
Mar 2, 1998
The 50th resident moves into The Eric Johnson House.
The World Health Organization (WHO) announces that AIDS and AIDS-related opportunistic infections are the fourth biggest causes of death worldwide and the number one killer in Africa. An estimated 33 million people are living with HIV and 14 million people have died from AIDS and AIDS-related opportunistic infections since the start of the epidemic.
15 residents of The Eric Johnson House have passed away from HIV/AIDS.
The 100th resident moves into The Eric Johnson House.
The Eric Johnson House is awarded 6 Shelter + Care housing vouchers to provide long-term permanent housing to residents transitioning into independence.
Oct 28, 2005
The 150th resident moves into The Eric Johnson House.
The Eric Johnson House is awarded 10 tenant-based rental assistance vouchers from the NJ State Rental Assistance Transitional Housing Graduate.
The Eric Johnson House receives Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding to provide additional long-term rental assistance to its residents moving into permanent housing.
The Eric Johnson House is awarded use of an additional site to provide outpatient services in Morris Plains on the grounds of Greystone psychiatric hospital.
Jan 2009
The organization moves into its new space and again changes its name to New Jersey AIDS Services (NJAS) to fully encompass its expanded scope of services.
Oct 5, 2009
The 200th resident moves into The Eric Johnson House.
The FDA approves pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, for HIV-negative people.
NJAS is awarded 6 more permanent supportive housing vouchers through the Morris County Continuum of Care (CoC) funding from HUD.
UNAIDS reported that AIDS-related deaths had fallen 30% since their peak in
Dec 30, 2014
The 250th resident moves into The Eric Johnson House.
NJAS is awarded an additional 4 permanent supportive housing vouchers through Morris County CoC funding.
NJAS launches LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Trainings.
Oct 18, 2018
The last residents move out of The Eric Johnson House and into permanent housing.
NJAS expands care to the LGBTQ+ community.
NJAS changes its name to EDGE New Jersey (End Discrimination. Gain Equality).
March, 2024
EDGE New Jersey moved into a new building at 35 Waterview Boulevard, Suite 201, Parsippany, New Jersey.